D2F Technical - page 5

Business View Magazine
nent employee number being 25. The company has
only one main office, but depending on project require-
ments may have additional site offices across its main
market of Trinidad and Tobago.
Of course, clients will want to choose the best and
most competitive combination of design, supply and
construction services to match their requirements.
D2F can find the simplest line from concept to comple-
tion. Depending therefore on your company’s needs,
D2F can undertake any one or a combination of the
• Prepare complete conceptual and detail design.
• Review an existing design and prepare procurement
• Purchase and supply project requirements.
• Construct, test and commission an existing design.
• Fulfil all your EPC Requirements as one complete
“Turnkey” package.
D2F’s engineering capabilities include electrical, in-
strumentation, mechanical, civil, structural and pro-
cess design, and its engineering deliverables include
contract documents, bid evaluations, feasibility stud-
ies, plant and equipment specifications, plant/equip-
ment layouts and general arrangements, civil drawing
packages, structural drawing packages, mechanical
drawing packages, piping drawing packages, electrical
drawing packages and instrumentation drawing pack-
D2F Technical Ltd
Provider of engineering, procure-
ment, construction and maintenance ser-
Point Lisas, Trinidad and Tobago
1,2,3,4 6,7,8
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