
38 39 already set up two outlets under a subsidiary,La Belle Vie,to cater to a specialised area of the home improve- PHQW DQG ʳQLVKHVPDUNHWȧ Gafoor adds that since everything that the company can’t manufacture,or that can’t be sourced locally,has to be imported,maintaining good relationships with LWV VXSSOLHUV LV HVVHQWLDO Ȧ7KHPDQXIDFWXULQJ EDVH LQ Barbados,even though it is sophisticated to a certain extent,the range of products that aremanufactured and actuallyconsumed in Barbados as a percentage of WKH RYHUDOO QHHGV RI WKH LVODQG LV VPDOO 7R WKDW H[WHQW now,our best relationships arewith our overseas suppliers,because those guys are our lifeline; they’re the ones that we relyon to be able to source product of acceptable qualityand acceptable pricing points that ZH FDQ JHW LW LQWR WKH %DUEDGRVPDUNHWȧ Equallycrucial,according to Gafoor,ismaintaining D KLJK OHYHO RI FXVWRPHU VHUYLFH Ȧ,WȤV NH\ WR WKHZKROH SURFHVVȧKH VWDWHV Ȧ,Q WKHPDUNHWV WKDW ZHȤUH LQ ZHȤUH YHU\PXFK OLNH D +RPH 'HSRW RU D /RZHV LQ1RUWK $PHULFD ,W FRPHV GRZQ WRZKDW LW LV \RX RIIHU ZKDW your pricing point is,and howconvenient you are for \RXU FOLHQWV WR ʳQG \RX DQG LQWHUIDFHZLWK \RXU VWDII 7KHPRVW LPSRUWDQW WKLQJ LV WKDW ZKDWHYHU WKHLU requirements,we are capable of meeting themand VDWLVI\LQJ RXU FXVWRPHUVȤQHHGVȧ BARBADOS STEEL WORKS LIMITED Ȧ6R RXU NH\KHUH LV JRLQJ WR EH SK\VLFDO LQIUD - VWUXFWXUHȡJRLQJ RXW DQG ORRNLQJ IRU ODQG DQG RU EXLOGLQJV WKDW ZH FDQ FRQYHUW LQWR RXWOHWV :HȤOO ʳQG SURSHUWLHV WKDW DUH GHUHOLFW RU LQ SRRU condition,that we can buy,lease,or rent,or we’ll ʳQG ODQG DQG GHYHORS IURPVFUDWFK <RXȤYH JRW WR KDYH D SK\VLFDO SUHVHQFH VR FXVWRPHUV FDQ ʳQG \RX HDVLHU 7KHUHȤV QR VHQVH LQPDUNHWLQJ DQG DGYHUWLVLQJ DQG WKHQ ZKHQ WKH\ʳQG WKDW \RXȤUH out of their wayand theydon’t plan to come in your direction,then you’re still going to lose out to \RXU FRPSHWLWRUV 3K\VLFDO VWUXFWXUH LV GHʳQLWHO\ NH\ QRZ7KDWȤV ZKDWȤV RQ WKH IURQW EXUQHU:HȤYH XQGHUWDNHQ WKDW LQ RXU 6W /XFLD WDUJHW PDUNHW DQG LWȤV WXUQHG RXW WR EH TXLWH VXFFHVVIXO Ȧ1RZZH QHHG WRPRYH IRUZDUG LQ WKH %DUED - GRVPDUNHWȡWR EH DEOH WR EUDQFK RXW RXU UHWDLO RSHUDWLRQV WR JHW GLUHFWO\ WR RXU HQG XVHU )RU %DUEDGRV WKH HQG JDPH LQ WHUPV RI RXWOHWV , GRQȤW WKLQNZHȤUH JRLQJ WR QHHG WR JR EH\RQG PD\EH WKUHH RU IRXU , GRQȤW WKLQN WKHPDUNHW LV ELJ HQRXJK EH\RQG WKDW DV \HW 7KHUH DUH FHUWDLQO\ WZR NH\DUHDV WKDW ZH DOUHDG\ LGHQWLʳHG WKDW ZHȤUH going tomove into,and thenmaybe one that is further out,whichwill catch a certain element of WUDIʳFRQ WKH QRUWKHUQ HQG RI WKH LVODQG :H KDYH PREFERRED VENDORS „ Frontline Trading www.frontlinetrading.co „ Guardsman Barbados Ltd. www.facebook.com/guardsmanbds