Business View Caribbean - Sept. / Oct. 2014

&D\PDQ ,VODQGV 6HSWHPEHU ‡ 2FWREHU ² &DULEEHDQ ‡ %XVLQHVV 9LHZ to families and couples enjoying longer stays. Two- bedroom master suites include 1,350 square feet and have a full bathroom and full kitchen. Deluxe studio suites are 500 square feet with king- size bed and kitchenette, and the regular studio suite is 450 square feet with a mini-refrigerator andmicrowave, in addition to tableware and cutlery. Sizes may vary, but what they all have in common is proximity to sand and water. “They’re not cookie-cutter hotel rooms stacked side by side,” Babin said. “You basically take one step out the door of your unit and your toes are in the sand, and you take 30 steps and your feet are in the sea. All the units are like that. I refrain from using the word ‘better’ because there are a lot of great operators, but we’re the only one in the Cayman Island that is complete on the water, and no one can take that away from us.” Another differentiation from other Cayman locales – as well as those in Cancun, Barbados and Fort Lauderdale and other places – is The Reef’s positioning on the less-populated side of the island, which appeals to customers seeking a laid-back vacation, as opposed to perpetual nightlife and crowds. It’s 20 miles from Seven Mile Beach, and Babin revels in its label as the “Island Side” of Grand Cayman. “People are really looking to get away from the busy beaches, where it’s hotel after hotel after hotel and every chair is reserved,” he said. “We don’t have that “They say in the flower business, if you can’t make money on Mother’s Day then you shouldn’t be in business,” Private One S Coral Residenc andy Lane Reef Club S Bao e pa bab Towe :LW SURY ZRU XQP FRQ DQG DQG FRP ZD\ r K RYHU WZHQ LGLQJ LQQ NPDQVKLS DWFKHG WLQXHV WR EO UHQRYDWLRQ FRPPHUFLD SURPLVH LV RI OLIH W\ \HD RYDWLYH G VHFRQG W SURIHVVLRQ D]H WKH WUD ZRUNV IRU E O SURSHUWLH QRW MXVW D V UV H[SHULHQ HVLJQ TX R QRQH DOLVP LO LQ GHVLJQ RWK OX[XU\ V 4XDOLW ORJDQ ² LW·V FH LQ DOLW\ DQG 5&, EXLOG YLOODV \ QR RXU