Business View Caribbean - Sept. / Oct. 2014

%XVLQHVV 9LHZ ‡ &DULEEHDQ ² 6HSWHPEHU ‡ 2FWREHU &ORVLQJ /LQHV “One of the nicest places I’ve been are the gardens in Germany. They’re really pretty, es- pecially in Salzburg, where the Sound of Music was filmed. It’s a beautiful setting with the Alps in the background.” Eric Van Velzer CFO, San Diego Sign Company “It’s always been my goal in life to be able to travel around the country and see everything that’s weird and unusual – like the biggest ball of string or the largest frying pan – and to do it on my own time. We travel by motorcycle and it’s an ideal way to get around and find things like that.” Christina Vitagliano Founder, Monster Mini Golf “Tuscany, without question.” Willis Mullet Founder/CEO, QMotion Advanced Shading Systems “It’s the Cayman Islands for me.” Jennifer Phillips Flexitank Sales Manager, Environmental Packaging Technologies “Somewhere that no one can find me, where there are no cell phones. Doesn’t matter where it is.” Shane Sims President, Environmental Packaging Technologies “My favorite place that I’ve been is Nice, France. I’ve never been to Bora Bora, but I’ve heard wonderful things and I’ve love to go there.” Richard Weissman President, The Learning Experience Closing Lines What is your ideal travel destination?