Business View Caribbean - Sept. / Oct. 2014

88 %XVLQHVV 9LHZ ‡ &DULEEHDQ ² 6HSWHPEHU ‡ 2FWREHU 86 9LUJLQ ,VODQGV or acute care wing, but rather throughout services and support which permeate throughout the country. Delivering such a range of services is not without its challenges, because there are no other hospitals on island. Bermuda, like others throughout the region, has been impacted by economic challenges. Maintaining state-of-the-art infrastructure as well as highly-trained specialists and other personnel to fulfill critical services comes at a cost. As BHB Chairman Jonathan Brewin said, it can be very challenging when there is a legislative mandate to provide services without the convenience of funding. BHB is tasked with not only providing health services, but also ensuring service costs are met in such a way that is sustainable and affordable for the patients they treat. This is a challenge in the current economic environment and, under the guidance of its chief finance officer, BHB is implementing a financial sustainability strategy to ensure that it can deliver services in the years and decades ahead.